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Hydroelectric power, oil and gas, solar energy generation, conventional coal-fueled power plants – energy companies come in all shapes and sizes, but all can benefit from cloud computing. The same applies to other utilities, such as water and sewer. At Baygramm Inc., we leverage over a decade of experience in the cloud technology sector to help your firm achieve key goals while addressing challenges, ensuring compliance with industry and government regulations, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how cloud computing can help your organization better serve your customers while achieving scalability and enhanced profitability.
How Does Cloud Computing Benefit Utilities?
Utility companies face a wide range of challenges today, but cloud computing through platforms like Microsoft Azure and AWS can help you overcome those issues. These platforms offer best-of-breed tools and capabilities, allowing the creation of custom solutions based on your organization’s unique needs and challenges, as well as yourcustomers’ specific concerns. Exploration and production are two of the most widespread challenges within the utilities industry, particularly in the energy sector. However, there are others, and they are even more pressing. For instance, is your company in compliance with government and industry regulations? How safe is your data and that of your customers? Have you addressed the question of IoT devices and services and how your company might usethese trends to better serve your customers or deliver innovative solutions? Cloud computing technology allows you to improve workflows, automate mundane tasks to streamline operations, improve cybersecurity, and ensure ongoing compliance with regulations even as they change and shift. Get in touch with us for more information about how your company can benefit from cloud technology.
Benefits of Cloud Technology for Utility Companies
Cloud technology offers a wide range of benefits for energy and utility companies, including the following:
Our Benifits
Cybersecurity continues to be a major issue for businesses large and small. Hackers, malware, viruses, and other threats can compromise the safety of your data or even entire systems. It is particularly important for energy companies to take a proactive stance toward cybersecurity. With AWS and Azure, you can build custom security solutions tailored specifically to your needs that offer leading-edge features and protection from threats.
Cost Reduction
Energy production comes at a significant cost. Operating a utility company can be expensive, forcing you to function on a razor-thin profit margin. Cloud computing offers the ability to reduce your costs in terms of IT infrastructure, improving profitability and even offering the chance to help your customers save, too.
How much time, money, and energy do your employees waste onmundane, repetitive tasks? Cloud computing allows you to automate those tasks, reduce errors, and ensure that your teams are able to focus on what they do best.
Key Features to Know
Cloud computing delivers powerful features that enable your business to benefit in a number of important ways. These include the following:
- Immense scalability so you always have the resources you need to support your business and customers.
- Transparency to support accountability, remove silos, and free information to flow throughout your organization.
- Cost reduction combined with fast provisioning and resource autoscaling.
- Improved efficiency through DevOps environments to drive value